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Last Chance to Update Directory Info


Hey neighbors,

We are planning to send the directory for printing on September 19th. This means you have two weeks left to update your information. If you haven't accessed the Canyon Oaks Online Directory yet, all that information is in the original blog post, which you can find here:

Based on feedback, we made a few changes since the original post. Most importantly, you can now add children with, optionally, a birth year and/or a college name. These options become available when you set the resident type to Child.

With these new features available, we're asking everyone to check the list of children in the home for accuracy. Please add any new arrivals and remove any who are no longer living at home.

The neighborhood map is now available on the same site, and it updates immediately with your changes. Note that the phone number shown on the neighborhood map will be the home phone, if one is listed, or the first visible phone number of the first resident that has any phone number set to visible. In other words, just check the map and make sure it's showing the phone you want. If not, we can help you change it if needed.

We are selling ad space to residents. These will all appear together in the back of the directory as they have in past directories, although this year, they will be in full color. The rates are as follows:

  • Full page - $100

  • Half page - $55

  • 1/3rd page - $40

To place an ad:

Any funds raised from ads will go to the Social Committee budget.

Finally, we would like to do a pet-themed directory this year. If you would like a picture of your pets included in the directory, please send them to They can be photos of the pet alone or with people. Please include names so we can caption appropriately. We don't know yet how many pictures we can include, but we will try to get them all in.

To summarize:

  • It's crunch time for updating your info. Whatever information is in the Online Directory two weeks from today is what will get printed. Please make sure your info is accurate and that it doesn't include any children that have moved out.

  • Make sure your number in the map is the one you want. If not, you can add a home phone number with the one you want, or email for assistance.

  • We have ad space available, but a short timeline, so please send those along soon.

  • Send your best pet photo to so we can fill the new directory with our wonderful furry (or scaly or feathered) family members.

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