Judy Johannesen has provided the following information for anyone eligible for FEMA assistance due to the recent extreme weather event.
Gov. Abbott requested a Disaster Declaration for 77 counties in Texas because of the frigid weather, power outages and in some cases lack of water.
What this means to us:
FEMA can help with expenses that insurance does not cover: a high deductible (this is considered under-insured), or if your insurance does not pay for rental assistance and you must be out of your home while repairs are being made. They will not assist until you get a final payment from your insurance company. At the same time, the registration period is usually 60 days. If you do not get a settlement before then, it will be too late to register for help.
If you suffered damages due to the extreme weather, call 1-800-621-3362 and make an application. If your insurance pays everything, it won't be a problem. If they do not, you may get some federal assistance. Better safe than sorry.
To do further research on your own, go to www.fema.gov.